Custom software that calculates typing speeds (Techforis Inc, Nashua, NH) was used for the online typing tests. The in-person typing portion of the assessment was recorded in seconds by a researcher using a stopwatch.

Participating residents were given a typing test, either in person or online, with a paragraph containing 100 alphanumeric words of a patient history. Residents were asked to rate their typing skills as slow ( 45 WPM), and to indicate importance they assigned to typing for a resident (not important/somewhat important/very important). Participants were also asked when they learned to type (before high school/during high school/college/other) and whether they learned on a typewriter or a computer. We collected the following demographic data: specialty, postgraduate year (PGY)-1 to PGY-7, citizenship, and the country where participants attended medical school. By setting up automation features, businesses can enhance customer service and organization of inquiries.All residents (N = 249) and fellows (N = 31) at NYMH were invited in person or via e-mail to voluntarily participate in the study. LiveAgent offers support automation features such as time rules, rules for automating processes, IVR, automatic callback, and automated ticket distribution. Support automation can increase customer satisfaction, improve employee productivity, and save money. The article also discusses strategies for motivating customer service teams, including implementing surveys, live chat solutions, and prioritizing positive reviews. Free help desk software with a ticketing system can centralize communication channels and generate a communication history for analysis and improvement. Implementing IT help desk software can streamline customer support and improve performance by enabling a single point of contact, automating processes, and creating dedicated help desk groups. It provides multilingual support, simplifies workflows, and offers a mobile app for customer interactions. LiveAgent is a highly rated service desk software that offers a range of features to improve customer support operations.